Simeon Panda

Simeon Panda


Gaining the thirst for lifting in college, Simion Panda has been rising to the top from the first moment he started lifting weights at home. From that point onwards, Simion now competes in shows around the world. He also judges competitions and is the owner of his own sportswear company.

Simeon is a true model for anyone who wants to see how success is made in the world of bodybuilding. This is his story:


Simeon Panda

“Though some may be able to throw a stone up a hill I am prepared to push a boulder up a mountain lest I do not try.”

Athletic Statistics

Full Name: Simeon Panda
WeightHeightYear of BirthNationality
225 - 235lbs (102.1 - 106.6kg)6'1" (185.5cm)1986British
Weight225 - 235lbs (102.1 - 106.6kg)
Height6'1" (185.5cm)
Year of Birth1986


Simeon Panda

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop until you get there.”


Simeon has competed in bodybuilding shows worldwide, winning the European Championships in 2013 and earning himself Musclemania Pro status. 

He often judges bodybuilding and physique shows around the globe. Simeon is also the owner of his own clothing brand and sportswear company. Making him a successful entrepreneur.


Simeon Panda


“Find a way, not excuses.”


Home Workouts To Pro Status

Simeon Panda first started lifting when he was 16 years old as a skinny teenager wanting to improve his strength and overall size. He was inspired to go further when he met a friend in college who was very muscular and ripped.

Simeon asked his friends how he managed to get so big. His friend replied that he bought some weights and would do his workouts at home. Simeon went out and bought a set of weights with no delay. Ever since that moment, Simeon fell in love with bodybuilding.

“I purchased weights that same day, and fell in love with working out. I remember I would get back from college excited to train.”

When he first started weight training, he recalls working out every day without fail. He soon realized he was on to something big when; “I was training in my living room and a friend of my brothers who had not seen me in a while came over and was shocked and said I was huge. That really motivated me to go at it even harder.”


Simeon Panda

Simeon’s transformations.

With this new found motivation, he upped his game and went to buy some new weights that were heavier. Ever since then, he’s been researching and learning the bodies anatomy and muscle groups. Simeon has been finding new ways to improve his physique since day one.


Simeon Panda


“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”


As Simeon built his strength and knowledge of keeping fit over the years. He’s now a firm believer in training heavy, both physically and mentally.“I say mentally because nothing gives me the same buzz as moving a tremendous amount of weight.”

Warming Up

“I normally do a warm up set then go straight into lifting heavy. This has been the most effective way for me to pack on size.”

Simeon advises that muscle growth occurs when your body is trying to repair the damage done by lifting weights on your body. Over time, your body will adapt to even the toughest routines.

To make sure that he doesn’t hit a plateau, Simeon will change and cycle his routines every so often.

A week’s workout will look something like this for Simeon:

Monday: Chest

  • 8 sets of Bench Press ranging from 1 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Incline Press ranging from 1 – 20 reps
  • 6 sets of Cable Fly’s low ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 6 sets of Cable Fly’s high ranging from 6 – 20 reps

Tuesday: Legs

  • 3 sets of Leg Extensions 20 reps
  • 8 Sets of Squats ranging from 4 – 10 reps
  • 8 Sets of Leg Press ranging from 12 – 15 reps
  • 8 Sets of Lying Leg Curl ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 4 Sets of Calf Presses on Leg Press Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps
  • 4 Sets of Donkey Calf Raises Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps

Wednesday: Back

  • 8 sets of Bent Over Row ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Lat Pull Down ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Seated Row ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Deadlifts ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 6 sets of Single Arm Row ranging from 6 – 10 reps

Thursday: Shoulders

  • 8 sets of Shoulder Press ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Dumbbell Lat Raises ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Front Raises ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Barbell Shrugs ranging from 6 – 20 reps

Friday: Arms

  • 8 Sets of Close Grip Bench Press ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Preacher Curls ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Pushdowns ranging from 6 – 20 reps
  • 8 sets of Hammer Curls ranging from 6 – 20 reps


  • Rest

Sunday: Legs

  • 8 Sets of Leg Extensions 20 reps
  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges 20+ Laps of the gym
  • 4 Sets of Calf Presses on Leg Press Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps
  • 4 Sets of Donkey Calf Raises Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps


Simeon Panda

Building Muscle

If you’re looking to build muscle like Simeon, there are three exercises he recommends which are the best to add into your training routine. These are:

  1. Squat – “Absolutely nothing is more difficult and produces more results than the squat, nothing.”
  2. Bench Press – “The bench press is fundamental in a bodybuilders routine, you get to move a lot of weight through multiple muscle groups.”
  3. Deadlifts – “The deadlift is the king of mass gaining exercises, it works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement.”

Simeon Panda



Simeon’s diet is very strict, this means, he’ll say lean most of the year round. But if he does need to cut a little further, he’ll go out for a brisk walk, or on the treadmill, or even the step machine.

This goes to show how important diet is, get this right, and there won’t be much need for cardio at all, advises Simeon.


Simeon Panda

“I eat a lot of chicken, fish, red meat and I love vegetables.”


Simeon’s diet is like most professional bodybuilders and fitness models – strict and accurate to his training needs. His diet is clean all year round, allowing the odd cheat meal occasionally to keep him satisfied, along with his metabolism ticking over nicely.

A daily diet of Simeon’s will look something like:

  • Meal 1: Oats, Banana & Almonds
  • Meal 2: Rice Cakes & Cottage Cheese
  • Meal 3: Wholegrain Rice, Chicken Breast & Vegetables
  • Meal 4: Wholegrain Rice, Chicken Breast & Vegetables
  • Meal 5: Wholegrain Rice, Chicken Breast & Vegetables
  • Meal 6: 8 Egg Whites & Smoked Salmon
  • Meal 7: Mackerel & Vegetables

Editor’s Tip

Inspired to reach your true potential like Simeon? Read our complete guide on how testosterone booster supplements can really enhance your game!



“I receive so many emails from people who are inspired by me, this motivates me more than anything, when I train now I feel like I am doing it for them too, I feel like I need to show them all what can be achieved through natural bodybuilding if you put in 110% and do it right.”

Idols and Influences

In the beginning, when he was asked where does his motivation come from, he only had one answer, “it’s really simple, that’s fun and enjoyment.”

But, as the years passed and he became more involved with the fitness world and bodybuilding, he became a perfectionist of the sport and his motivation then went from “fun and enjoyment,” to total professionalism.

“I have always strived to be better, I love to see progress and I want to achieve the unimaginable.” – Simeon Panda


Simeon Panda

What we can learn from Simeon Panda

Hard work, studying the bodies anatomy, and the drive to grow bigger and better. These are all things we can learn from Simeon. His thirst for knowledge on how to grow bigger and stronger is a great lesson we can all learn if our goal is strength and size.

If you want to grow like Simeon but you don’t know how, you can start as he did with weights at home reading and researching your idols. In no time at all, you too could have your very own physique of greatness like Simeon Panda’s.


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Saw you at Urban Fitness event on Coney Island July 4, 2017. You look great and are a inspiration to many!

True inspiration champ!
Been following you for a few months now & always get motivated and learn more from your video. Keep up the great work!??

Thank you for the best, good looking guy,I will try to get my body back in shape, after I had colon cancer,man. How much should I use.

I’m 21 years old I started training on 2015 so I always watch your motivational videos and they motivate me a lot. keep posting

My name is Sangram Keshari Barik from India.Really I inspired by Simeon’s motivation.but l want to ask some questions to u.How much I should l do

Love u sir…..I m whatever right now bcz all of u sir…’s all ur bcz of routine I follow only and only urs..big die fan of u sir….on Instagram princeneyazkhan from u sir


You are awesome! I just found you and i’m becoming a big fan of you and your lady. I truly wish you the best!

Panda your are amazing. Just keep it up and I thank you for your motivation in this field. Big fun of yours

Without roids??? Are with testo and anabolic. Because when you see the physical, before the democratisation of Steroids, like Dick Dubois or Steve Reeves they were the reference. But those physics are very far of yours, you seems like a monster in front of these old NATURAL bodybuilders.

Sometimes place and standards limits us……but looking at you motivates this nineteen years boy…with no proper weights….panda..sooner!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes place and standards limits us……but looking at you motivates this nineteen years boy…with no proper weights….panda..sooner!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t use a fake natural like Panda as motivation. They’re juiced up on steroids and are giving you false hope so they can get you to buy their cookie cutter programs and useless supplements.

You have motivated me to get up and train hard, l am 5ft 8inches tall and I am a skinny guy who is 38yrs old to be exact can I still get big at that age.

I am impressed Simeon, want to see you in person in Sierra Leone at Kumantandu.
Send me your email address.

Your motivational videos are the best!!! I always watch them before I go to the gym!!!…. Keep posting your pictures, diet plans,videos ,exercises…. You will always be my role model

I just love the way Simeon panda is dedicated focused interligent he inspires me to train more he was born for this there is a saying that says in order to be a person you are not you have to kill the person you were born as and that what I think you did exactly Simeon now Im going to eats drink play love sleep weights

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