Julie Bonnett Germaine

Fitness Model, Bikini Competitor, Entrepreneur

Julie Bonnett Germaine is a WBFF Pro Fitness Model, trainer, and expert physique consulting.

Starting her fitness journey during high school, Julie has seen her physique, and career, transform over the years while training in the gym.

At first, she saw the gym just as a means of keeping fit. But, she soon became captivated with the process of training and dieting; eventually becoming a bikini competitor.

From that point on, Julie has risen to the “new heights” in her career; becoming a successful entrepreneur, and a role model for her fans on social media.

This is her story:


Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Julie Bonnet Germaine
115 - 125lbs (52.2 - 56.7kg)5'5" (165cm)CanadianFitness Model, Bikini Competitor, Entrepreneur
Weight115 - 125lbs (52.2 - 56.7kg)
Height5'5" (165cm)
ProfessionFitness Model, Bikini Competitor, Entrepreneur




  • 2 time WBFF Pro Fitness Model Champion
  • Ms Fitness Manitoba Champion



Transition From Dance to Fitness

Julie Bonnett grew up as a child who loved art, and later, competitive dance. She usually traveled Monday to Friday from her hometown into the city to attend dance classes.

“It’s funny that I am a professional athlete, because I was all about the arts as a kid. I was a competitive tap and jazz dancer right into my teens.”

However, after she hit her late teens, Julie started balancing work and school – as a result, she had no time to continue traveling into the city to practice dance.

At this point, Julie realized she had to find another way to keep active and fit. Soon, she started training in a basement gym that was located in her high school, together with one of her ‘girl-friends.‘ She saw the gym as a perfect way of staying in shape, saying; “I had read that bodybuilding was great for keeping fit.”

Success on all “Fronts”

Fast-forward a couple of months, and Julie trained in the gym with more passion than ever before. After she saw her initial “newbie gains”, Julie became mesmerized with fitness; obsessively chasing progress with her physique.

This eventually led to Julie taking her physique, and career, “to the next level”. She started competing in bikini shows, becoming a professional athlete only two years after she began her competitive journey.

By 2016, Julie became a two time WBFF Pro Fitness Model Champion, and Ms. Fitness Manitoba Champion – winning this title was one of her favorite accomplishments in her career.

Since then, Julie has married her husband Craig, with whom she started a physique consulting company, and their own fitness website. They are now one of the leading trainers in the industry, specializing in helping athletes prepare for their competitions.

“I am proud of Craig and I for being examples of a top bodybuilder & published fitness model who are winning in other areas of our lives. Anyone can diet and train obsessively to create the body of their dreams, but you can’t lose sight of everything else in life that matters.”



Matching her Goals

During her contest prep, Julie has up to three workouts per day; cardio in the morning, weight training in the afternoon, and cardio in the evening.

However, she likes to change her workouts throughout the year, to match her goals. This means that Julie might sometimes just do one workout per day, and sometimes she might even take an entire week off to let her body recover from her intense sessions in the gym.

Julie’s Training Routine

Monday: Legs

  • BB Squats 5×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Hip Thrusts x25
  • Bosu Ball Squats x20
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5×8-12 (superset)
  • Plie Squats Holding DB x20
  • Kneeling Glute Kickbacks x20 each leg
  • Prone Machine Leg Curls 4×12-15 (superset)
  • Pop Squats or Bosu Ball Squats x20
  • Ball Leg Curls x15 each leg
  • Kneeling Leg Curls (superset)
  • Machine Glute Kickbacks x15 each leg
  • Bosu Ball Squats x25
  • Leg Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Walking Lunges 3×8-12
  • Crunches x25
  • Calves – on Leg Press Machine 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Cable Crunches x25
  • Bosu Ball Squats x25

Tuesday: Shoulders

  • Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Standing Reverse DB Fly’s 3×8-12
  • Handstand Plank (against wall) x30 seconds
  • Machine Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Cable Face Pulls 3×8-12
  • DB Side Bends 3×8-12
  • Single Arm Reverse Cable Fly’s 3×8-12 (superset)
  • BB Front Raises 3×8-12
  • DB Lateral Raises 3×8-12
  • DB Bent Arm Lateral Raises 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Bicycle Crunches x25
  • Roman Chair Leg Raises x25

Wednesday: Back/Arms

  • Chin-ups 3×8-12
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Double Grasp DB Row 3×8-12
  • Seated Cable Row 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Row 3×8-12
  • Single Arm DB Row 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Curls 3×8-12
  • Cable Curls 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extensions 3×8-12
  • Machine Tricep Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Concentration Curls 3×8-12
  • Core Training 3×8-12

Thursday: Recovery

  • Rest day

Friday: Legs

  • BB Squats 5×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Hip Thrusts x25
  • Bosu Ball Squats x20
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5×8-12 (superset)
  • Plie Squats Holding DB x20
  • Kneeling Glute Kickbacks x20 each leg
  • Prone Machine Leg Curls 4×12-15 (superset)
  • Pop Squats or Bosu Ball Squats x20
  • Ball Leg Curls x15 each leg
  • Kneeling Leg Curls (superset)
  • Machine Glute Kickbacks x15 each leg
  • Bosu Ball Squats x25
  • Leg Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Walking Lunges 3×8-12
  • Crunches x25
  • Calves – on Leg Press Machine 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Cable Crunches x25
  • Bosu Ball Squats x25

Saturday: Shoulders

  • Seated DB Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Standing Reverse DB Fly’s 3×8-12
  • Handstand Plank (against wall) x30 seconds
  • Machine Shoulder Press 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Cable Face Pulls 3×8-12
  • DB Side Bends 3×8-12
  • Single Arm Reverse Cable Fly’s 3×8-12 (superset)
  • BB Front Raises 3×8-12
  • DB Lateral Raises 3×8-12
  • DB Bent Arm Lateral Raises 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Bicycle Crunches x25
  • Roman Chair Leg Raises x25

Sunday: Back/Arms

  • Chin-ups 3×8-12
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Double Grasp DB Row 3×8-12
  • Seated Cable Row 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Row 3×8-12
  • Single Arm DB Row 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Pre-Loaded BB Curls 3×8-12
  • Cable Curls 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Standing Overhead DB Tricep Extensions 3×8-12
  • Machine Tricep Extensions 3×8-12 (superset)
  • Concentration Curls 3×8-12
  • Core Training 3×8-12


Julie’s 3 Favorite Exercises

  1. Stiff-Legged Deadlifts: Julie loves this one because they’ve helped her shape her hamstrings and glutes.
  2. Barbell Glute Hip Thrusts: Incorporating this exercise in her routine has helped Julie keep her glutes “firm and tight”. Additionally, she said this exercise can be a great superset to any other lower body movement.
  3. Bent Arm Lateral Dumbbell Raises: According to Julie, she achieves an amazing pump in her shoulders when doing this exercise.



Sticking to Basics

Four weeks out of the show, Julie decreases her carbohydrate intake; keeping her fats and proteins high.

However, when she’s not preparing for a show, Julie has a regular healthy diet – just like any other competitor. Mostly, she eats whole foods, such as kale, broccoli, spinach, chicken, red mead, rice, whole wheat pasta, nuts, etc.

In terms of cheat meals, Julie doesn’t often allow herself the pleasure. Instead, she opts for a different kind of reward, such as massage, bubble baths, sauna, pedicures, shopping, etc.

Daily Meal Plan

  • 1st Meal: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Omega Oil
  • 2nd Meal: (Pre workout) Protein Shake, Glutamine, Veggies
  • 3rd Meal: (Post workout) Protein Shake, Glutamine
  • 4th Meal: Chicken Breast or Lean Beef with 3 Egg Whites and Omega Oil
  • 5th Meal: Salad with lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken)
  • 6th Meal: Lean protein (i.e. Tuna, Salmon, Chicken) and Nuts


  • CLA
  • Omega Oil
  • Creatine
  • Whey Protein
  • Multi Vitamin
  • Glutamine
  • Pre-Workout


Idols and Influences

Julie mentions her husband Craig Bonnett, her friend Lara, and her entire family as her main drive and source of inspiration in life.


What we can learn from Julie Bonnett

Reaching Your Goals

This is Julie’s take on motivation, and success; “Reaching your fitness goals is simple: proper diet + regular exercise = success. The tricky part is maintaining that tight, fabulous new physique! Personally, I am never satisfied! Though I enjoy where I am, and give myself credit for today’s accomplishments, I am always looking ahead to what’s next. Where can I improve? How can I further excel?”

By following Julie’s example, you too could build a sensational physique, and mindset, one day.

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your a very pretty lady Julie keep up the great work in your fitness, I work on designing outfits for my writing stories of action dramas, it be cool to feature you as one of my characters one day… God Bless you & your family…

fucking moron shes not American,,, don’t post shit if you are stupid and don’t know, shes Canadian idiot

Hi Jon Doe, thanks for your comment. That’s now been updated. All the best, Greatest Physiques.

Hey Julie Bonnett, hope all is well with you my dear, I wanted to kindly find out from you whether you could train me on lean physic and bodybuilding to increase chest and shoulder mass.
Please do contact me through my e- mail account which is philipodongo45@ yahoo.com
Thank you.

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