Stephen Amell Physique

Stephen Amell, best known for his portrayal of the bow and arrow wielding superhero Green Arrow, has captured the attention of fans with his convincing depiction of the role both on and off screen. While his impressive physique and agility may seem unattainable to the average person, Amell’s dedication and commitment to his intense workout routine prove that anyone can achieve superhero fitness with the right mindset and training.

Of course we can’t ignore diet and Stephen Amell’s diet is a typical blend of lean meats, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. These nutrients fuel his intense workouts and help maintain his muscular physique. He also pays close attention to his meal timings and hydration levels, ensuring he drinks ample amounts of water throughout the day. For those unexpected hunger pangs, he prefers a protein bar over a full-fledged meal.

Let’s jump into the workout first, but if you’d rather skip straight to the diet stuff feel free to jump on ahead. 

The Holistic Approach to Fitness

Amell approaches his fitness journey with a holistic mindset, focusing on mobility, functionality, and performance. By prioritizing these aspects, he not only builds a strong and functional physique but also enhances his overall athletic performance. This approach allows him to seamlessly embody the Green Arrow character, performing stunts, combat, and acrobatics with ease.

A Variety of Training Modalities

Amell’s workout routine incorporates a variety of training modalities, ensuring that he constantly challenges his body and avoids plateaus. His training consists of three full-body strength training days using a combination of kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells, and bodyweight exercises. These strength training sessions are complemented by crucial active recovery days that include mixed martial arts, archery, and parkour activities. This diverse mix of training modalities helps him develop a well-rounded skill set and maintain a high level of fitness.

Amell’s Weekly Workout Schedule

Amell’s workout routine follows a seven-day cycle, with each day dedicated to a specific focus. Let’s take a closer look at his weekly workout schedule:

Day 1: Strength

Day 2: Active Recovery

Day 3: Strength

Day 4: Active Recovery

Day 5: Strength

Day 6: Active Recovery

Day 7: Active Recovery/Rest

It’s important to note that Amell’s program changes regularly to keep things challenging and prevent stagnation. Additionally, he often joins parkour classes and other camps to further enhance his skills and continue progressing.

The Importance of Recovery

Amell understands the significance of recovery in achieving optimal performance and preventing injuries. His active recovery days involve engaging in activities like mixed martial arts, archery, parkour, and running. These activities not only provide a break from intense training but also help improve agility, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness, a staple of his on screen persona.

Stephen Amell’s Meal Plan






Cutting Out the Junk

The superhero diet doesn’t involve processed sugar, refined foods, dairy, gluten, or beer. For Amell, food is the body’s fuel, and removing unhealthy elements from it ensures a steady flow of good energy throughout the day. Instead, he consumes a diverse array of lean proteins, vegetables, and complex carbs.

Protein Per Pound of Body Weight

Protein is the main building block for muscle growth. Amell’s diet plan is designed to consume an adequate amount of protein relative to his body weight. A general guideline for muscle gain suggests that men consume about 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some excellent sources of lean protein include fish, eggs, whey protein, beans, and chicken breast.

Inclusion of Healthy Fats

Amell’s nutrition plan comprises 20% healthy fats. These fats aid in maintaining testosterone levels, satisfying appetite, and protecting vital organs. A healthy diet should include sources of healthy fats like coconut oil, fatty fish and steak.

Bidding Farewell to Alcohol

Amell’s no-alcohol rule is absolute. He doesn’t consume beer, primarily due to its gluten content and high-calorie count.

Staying Hydrated

Amell ensures he stays well-hydrated throughout the day. His grueling workouts demand adequate water intake, which he fulfills by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily.

What to Eat?

Amell’s diet is strict and well-structured and you might not want to follow it one-to-one, so we thought we’d break things down a bit further so you can use these building blocks to sculpt your own diet plan. During the shooting of Arrow, the actor had to bulk up, necessitating a high-calorie diet. However, he chose his calories mindfully, focusing on nutrient-rich foods.

Here’s what Stephen Amell’s diet includes:

What to Avoid

Stephen Amell’s diet doesn’t include junk food. He manages his cravings by keeping his stomach full with healthy snacks and plenty of water. Amell advises avoiding refined sugars as they can directly impact your body mass index (BMI).

Foods not included in Stephen Amell’s diet plan are:

Stephen Amell’s Supplement Regime

Food alone cannot build a physique like Amell’s. Supplements are necessary to fill in the nutritional gaps essential to maintain such a body. Amell takes the following supplements to achieve and maintain his fit form:

Conclusion –  The key to superhero fitness

Stephen Amell’s abs are a product of discipline in the kitchen and dedication in the gym. His fitness regime involves intense workouts, including yoga, calisthenics, and plyometrics, six days a week. His diet plan and workout regime serve as a testament to his dedication and willpower. Achieving a physique like Amell’s requires not just physical effort but also the mental strength and discipline to stick to a strict diet and maintain a regular workout schedule.

Whether you’re a fan of the Green Arrow or simply looking for a new workout challenge, Amell’s routine serves as an inspiration for anyone striving to push their limits and achieve their fitness goals. Remember, consistency and hard work are the true superpowers that can unlock your full potential. Embrace the challenge, and you too can become your own superhero.

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